Wednesday 21 July 2010

SIMA (4)

The functions of Sømæ consecration
            Prior to sømæ consecration, all coming monks must congregate on the demarcated plots respectively on the new-sømæ-would-be, and then recite aviappavæsa sømæsamuþhanana kammavæcæ and samænasaµvæsa sømæsamþhanana kammavæcæ for the purpose of removing the affect of old sømæ lest it would have been consecrated unknown. Nothing is impossible since the Buddhism came into being over 25 centuries back and it diverged and spread out neighbouring countries. Myanmar is one of the closet countries to India, the original place of Buddhism. The existence of several sømæs could be everywhere, but due to poor record no one is sure where they would be. Without doing sømæ removal, if a new sømæ is consecrated overlapping the old sømæ, the consecration is not qualified. Therefore it had better take action the removal of old sømæ whether or not they exist on it.
The recitation takes too long on account of several different methods of removal styles. In my experience of three occasions, each of them took two days long functioning in the morning and evening each of which last round about two hours: approximately eight hours in two days. To assure it, the kammavæcæ is repeatedly recited by the monks on the spots on the demarcated area with numerous methods.
      When the process of sømæ removal has completed, it comes the time of a new sømæ consecration which should be exactly designated at night or early morning in order to avoid of travelling monks. For example, if a sømæ is consecrated in a village which has its own authorised territory, any monks must not be allowed to pass through it during the consecration is in progress. If allowed, it would be unsuccessful. Hence, every possible gateway to it must be guarded from travelling monks. If any monks come, they have to be requested to remain beyond the point until the consecration has come into completion. The nimitta (boundary marks) also should be ready; if water-nimitta is used, the water should be put fully into all the pits at eight directions of boundary line.  When the time comes to consecrate the new sømæ, the signal sound should be made such as making several shots of gun fire, telephoning if accessible and so on.  Then the nimittas and those who guard the nimittas must be ready, and then the monks have to do the announcement of nimittas. One of whom, who knows vinaya very well (vinayadhara monk) performs it by asking the nimitta-guarded-monks standing at each of eight directions of boundary line respectively. It is asked starting from east direction, then going round up to the east again.
After that the consecration of sømæ must be commenced by reciting samænasaµvæsakasømæsammuti kammavæcæ followed by avippavæsasømæsammuti kammavæcæ according to the exact time fixed. As soon as it has been done, the consecration of sømæ has successfully completed. So the signal sound again must be made in order to let the gateway-guarded people know finished, so that the gateway can be opened and the monks if remained there can proceed their journey. The people who guard it also can come back without any worry.


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